Powered by the Holy Spirit
By the Grace of God through the Holy Spirit and attended by Angels
The sovereign Historical States of the Royal Alliance of Independent States (RAIS), together with other Member States of the inter-governmental organization (IGO) Ignita Veritas United (IVU), are unified in serving humanity through living by the Holy Spirit of God, for restoring the Kingdom of God to human civilization.
Our shared inter-faith understanding of the Holy Spirit is explained by the following universal sacred knowledge, as revealed in diverse ancient Scriptures:
Ancient Egyptian Meaning – The Egyptian Priesthood worshipped one universal creator God called the “Aten” [1], at least as early as 2,687 BC [2]. Its hieroglyph is a disk projecting rays of light, with outreached hands from the hieroglyph “Ka” meaning “Spirit”. This represents the Holy Spirit carrying the spiritual energy from God, giving blessings of strength and knowledge to those who seek and follow God. [3]
In the Quran, the Angels recognize this ancient priesthood as “some [other] Prophets we have not told you about” (Surah 4: An Nisa “The Women” 164; Surah 40: Ghafir “Forgiver” 78). The Old Testament recognizes the ancient Egyptian Priesthood by the mandate to “restore” and follow the “old paths” of the universal “good way” of God (Isaiah 58:12; Jeremiah 6:16). The New Testament confirms that this is for “edifying” to “come in the unity of the Faith” by restoring ancient origins (I Corinthians 14:26; Ephesians 4:10-15), making “full proof” of Scripture from the historical record (II Timothy 4:3-5).
Ancient Biblical Meaning – In the Old Testament, the “Holy Spirit” is the “Spirit of God”, presented as the “breath of the Almighty” (Job 33:4), which empowers humanity to heroism and greatness (Genesis 41:38; Exodus 31:3; Numbers 24:2; Judges 3:10), as God’s blessing to those who are worthy (Psalm 51:11). It is necessary to respect and follow the Holy Spirit, and dishonoring its guidance incurs the wrath of God (Isaiah 63:10).
Later Christian Meaning – In the New Testament, the “Holy Spirit” is the power of God, generally manifesting as an agent of God, which guides and leads those who seek and follow it (Luke 4:1; 11:13; John 7:39). It “descends” upon and “fills” those who are servants of God (John 1:33; Acts 2:4). It is also the “comforter” giving strength, and a teacher giving divine knowledge (John 14:26; I Corinthians 2:13; Ephesians 3:5).
But rejecting the Holy Spirit incurs “eternal damnation” (Mark 3:29; Luke 12:10). In the Quran, the Angels recognize the Old and New Testaments of the Bible as “Truth” given through the Prophets Moses, Solomon and Jesus (Surah 3: Ali Imran “Family of Imran” 3), as “guidance and counsel” (Surah 5: Al Ma’idah “The Table” 46-47).
Muslim Quran Meaning – In the Holy Quran, the “Holy Spirit” is called “Ruh al-Qudus” (روح القدس) meaning “Spirit of Holiness”, and “al-Ruh Al-‘Amin” (الروح الأمين) meaning “Faithful Spirit”. It is “given” by the Angels as “support” and spiritual “strength” from God (Surah 2: Al Baqarah “The Heifer” 87, 253; Surah 5: Al Ma’idah “The Table” 110). The “Holy Spirit” “descends” upon “those who believe” giving knowledge “to stabilize” one’s Faith “and as guidance” (Surah 16: An Nahl “The Bee” 102).
Symbolized by the Dove – In both Christianity and Islam, the Holy Spirit, as the “Spirit of God”, is symbolized in classical religious art as “descending like a dove” (Matthew 3:16; Mark 1:10; Luke 3:22; John 1:32), thus represented by the white bird, the dove of peace.
Therefore, let us all pray together, to our universal God of creation and of all goodness against all evil, by the official inter-faith prayer of our supporting inter-governmental organization (IGO) Ignita Veritas United (IVU), from its Sovereign Charter (Article 6):
“In the name of God,
the unifying force of the universe,
by the Angels and the Holy Spirit:
As God and Council have called us to serve;
Help us to serve humanity all the days of our lives,
as protectors of human rights and the rule of law,
for so long as it shall please God;
Have mercy upon your servants, and
lead us on the path of peace and prosperity,
righteousness and justice.
Amen.” [4]
[1] Donald B. Redford, The Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt, The American University in Cairo Press (2001), Vol.1, “Aten”, p.157.
[2] Sir Alan G. Gardiner, Egyptian Grammar: The Study of Hieroglyphs, Ashmolean Museum of Oxford University, Griffith Institute, Oxford (1927), “Aten”, N8.
[3] Sir Alan G. Gardiner, Egyptian Grammar: The Study of Hieroglyphs, Ashmolean Museum of Oxford University, Griffith Institute, Oxford (1927), “Aten” (Spirit of Sun Rays = Christian “Holy Spirit” or “Power of God”), List of Hieroglyphic Signs (pp.438 et seq.): “Aten”, N8; “Ka” (“Spirit”, Hands used on the Aten rays), D28.
[4] Based on: Council of Troyes of 1129 AD, Temple Rules 220, 222.
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